Without the amazing generosity of many wonderful faith-filled people throughout the years, J28 Church would not be where we are today! We can show our generosity in many ways, it may be by serving in one of our various ministry teams throughout the week or on a Sunday, or getting involved in one of our community outreach projects. You can also show your generosity through regular financial giving either online or on a Sunday. At J28 Church we believe that generosity is a key way for us to be involved in helping to build the local church.
According to the book of Malachi in chapter 3 verse 10 it says we are to bring the whole tithe into God’s house. A tithe means a 10th, and so at J28 Church we believe in this principle of bringing a 10th of our income into the church. Tithes and offerings at J28 Church are used to fund the vision, ministries and activities of the church as well as support others in various nations throughout the world through our missions involvement.
We are very grateful for your continued generosity.
One of the most convenient ways to give is by setting up a regular standing order or by making direct bank payments. If you would like to make a direct payment into our account or setup a standing order, please see our details below. You can use these details to set up your giving on your online banking.
If you are a UK taxpayer and have completed a gift aid declaration then please put your gift aid code in the reference box when you set this up.
J28 Church Bank Details
Account Name: The Junction 28 Church
Account Number: 47985704
Sort Code: 05-02-11
The Junction 28 Church is a registered UK charity
Registered Charity Number: 1123555
Company Number: 06460614
Every Sunday during one of our services, offering envelopes are made available to anyone wishing to give which enables you to give by card, cash or cheque. You can also Gift Aid it and then place it in one of the offering containers.
The Junction 28 Church is a registered UK charity
Registered Charity Number: 1123555
Company Number: 06460614
If you are a UK tax payer, for every £1 you give, we can claim 25p back from HM Revenue & Customs. Details of how to set this up can be found on our offering envelopes during a Sunday service or if you would like to fill one out now please click here to leave us your information.
The Junction 28 Church is a registered UK charity
Registered Charity Number: 1123555
Please click here for more information about Gift Aid.